We’ve assembled a virtual team of top professionals with strong expertise in digital media creation and publishing. By virtual, we’re not saying that the team consists of avatars living in Second Life (yes, Second Life is still around), but creatives (writers, developers, editors, designers, video specialists, audio engineers, narrators, musicians, animators, technologists, and artists) spread out across North America, working on projects in concert with others, tethered together by streams of electrons flowing through cables, optical links, and the open air
The opportunities opened by today’s array of communication technologies make it possible to bring together the right talent at the right time with the right skills to focus on specific projects, collaborate on creative endeavors, and share the knowledge and expertise to build all kinds of interesting stuff—books, videos, animations, infographics, apps, games, magazines, guided tours and lessons, audiobooks, musical scores, and digital content of all shapes and sizes. Most of us on this extended team have already checked off many of the items on this list and are eager to try out some of the latest tools and technologies that are arising in the digital realm almost daily.
Within this new framework, we expect to accomplish amazing things and we invite you to join in and investigate the possibilities that Lightspeed Publishing has to offer. Work with us and we’ll help you find the best way to tell your story.
Photo by Richard Gomez Angel from unsplash.com.