Video and Documentary Work
Capture Your Ideas in MotionThe possibilities of digital video have just begun to be explored and the web is exploding with opportunities. We’ve assembled a team of professionals skilled in video capture and production with a mind toward providing high quality, reasonably priced services for a range of video activities—from interviews of subject-matter experts in the high-tech sector to short documentaries exploring topics of interest, including alternative energy advances, sustainability, and other forward-looking business communications.
With lightweight, versatile equipment—including video-capable DSLRs and tools such as the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera—it’s possible to produce powerful, compelling video content at a fraction of the costs generally charged by competing services. Video services include:
- Storyboarding
- Scriptwriting
- Live interviews
- Typographic animation
- Event coverage
- Video editing
- Musical scoring
- and more. . .
If you have a project in mind, let’s talk and consider the best approach and tools to use. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the possibilities and pricing.